The main challenge of rendering pixel art is maintaining crisp pixel boundaries when scaling the tiny bitmap to modern displays with lots of pixels.

Rendering from a native Image

If you already have an pixel art image you’d like to display in Image (UIImage, CGImage, etc.) format (e.g. a PNG in your asset catalog or downloaded from a server), add the .interpolation(.none) modifier to Image.

struct NativeImageView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Image("color-image-10-10") // 10x10 PNG in Assets.xcassets
            .interpolation(.none) // <-- important

#Preview("NativeImageView", traits: .sizeThatFitsLayout) {
With and without interpolation applied to an existing pixel art image
With and without interpolation applied to an existing pixel art image

Bitmap Model

Imagine you want to manipulate color data directly instead of using CGImage as the container.

Let’s start by creating a simple struct to hold our bitmap data.

struct Bitmap: Equatable, Sendable {
    // Access via `values[row][column]`
    var values: [[Color]] 

    var rows: Int { values.count }
    var columns: Int { values.first?.count ?? 0 }
    var aspectRatio: CGFloat { CGFloat(columns) / CGFloat(rows) }

Next let’s add a few ways to create a bitmap for testing:

extension Bitmap {
    init(_ initialColor: Color? = nil, rows: Int, columns: Int) {
        values = .init(repeating: .init(repeating: initialColor ?? .white, count: columns), count: rows)

    mutating func fill(_ color: Color) {
        values = .init(repeating: .init(repeating: color, count: columns), count: rows)

    static func mockGrid(rows: Int, columns: Int) -> Self {
        var instance = Self(rows: rows, columns: columns)
        for row in 0 ..< rows {
            for column in 0 ..< columns {
                instance.values[row][column] = row % 2 == column % 2 ? .black : .white
        return instance

    static func mockRowColors(rows: Int, columns: Int) -> Self {
        var instance = Self(rows: rows, columns: columns)
        for row in 0 ..< rows {
            instance.values[row] = Array(repeating: .init(hue: Double(row) / Double(rows), saturation: 0.7, brightness: 1.0), count: columns)
        return instance

Rendering options

There are two ways to render the bitmap: Image and Canvas.

  • Image allows you to use Image-specific modifiers to further manipulate the view.
  • Image encodes its native size, making it simpler to apply an aspect ratio.
  • Canvas draws directly to a GraphicsContext at the size provided by the parent view.
  • Canvas allows you to draw additional elements like dividers.

Rendering as Image

BitmapImageView will render the bitmap. It works by using the Image(size:label:opaque:colorMode:renderer:) initializer for Image that allows writing directly to the image via a SwiftUI GraphicsContext instance.

struct BitmapImageView: View {
    let bitmap: Bitmap

    var body: some View {
            size: .init(width: bitmap.columns, height: bitmap.rows),
            label: nil,
            opaque: true,
            colorMode: .nonLinear
        ) { ctx in
            let cellWidth: CGFloat = 1
            let cellHeight: CGFloat = 1
            for row in 0 ..< bitmap.rows {
                for column in 0 ..< bitmap.columns {
                    let path = Path(
                            x: CGFloat(column) * cellWidth,
                            y: CGFloat(row) * cellHeight,
                            width: cellWidth,
                            height: cellHeight
                    ctx.fill(path, with: .color(bitmap.values[row][column]))

The size of the image is small; exactly the number of pixels specified in our bitmap. The other parameters are the defaults.

We loop through the bitmap contents and write each value as a one-point size rectangle in the graphics context.

With the resulting image, we can now apply the usual Image-specific modifiers.

The secret sauce is using the .interpolation(.none) modifier to preserve the hard edges when the tiny image is scaled up to retina display sizes.

With and without interpolation applied to the tiny bitmap
With and without interpolation applied to the tiny bitmap

.resizable makes the image expand to fill the parent.

.scaledToFit preserves the square pixels. It’s the equivalent of .aspectRatio(bitmap.aspectRatio, contentMode: .fit) or .aspectRatio(nil, contentMode: .fit).

Here is a SwiftUI Preview to show our final result:

#Preview("BitmapImageView", traits: .sizeThatFitsLayout) {
    BitmapImageView(bitmap: .mockGrid(rows: 10, columns: 10))

Rendering as Canvas

struct BitmapCanvasView: View {
    let bitmap: Bitmap
    var body: some View {
            opaque: true, 
            colorMode: .nonLinear, 
            rendersAsynchronously: false
        ) { ctx, size in
            let cellWidth = (size.width / CGFloat(bitmap.columns))
            let cellHeight = (size.height / CGFloat(bitmap.rows))
            for row in 0 ..< bitmap.rows {
                for column in 0 ..< bitmap.columns {
                    let path = Path(
                            x: CGFloat(column) * cellWidth,
                            y: CGFloat(row) * cellHeight,
                            width: cellWidth,
                            height: cellHeight
                        with: .color(bitmap.values[row][column]),
                        style: .init(eoFill: false, antialiased: false)
        .aspectRatio(bitmap.aspectRatio, contentMode: .fit)

Unlike the Image implementation, the GraphicsContext within the Canvas implementation is drawing at whatever size the parent specifies.

The secret sauce in this version specifying antialiased: false in the FillStyle(eoFill:antialiased:) parameter. With the default true, certain non-integer sizes will render with randomly sized dividers.

With and without interpolation inside the `fill` command
With and without interpolation inside the `fill` command

Adding the specific aspectRatio modifier ensures the view renders with square pixels.

#Preview("BitmapCanvasView", traits: .sizeThatFitsLayout) {
    BitmapCanvasView(bitmap: .mockRowColors(rows: 10, columns: 10))
        .frame(width: 409) // Forcing this width will show antialiasing artifacts 

Rendering as Canvas with dividers

One reason you might want to use Canvas is to draw dividers showing the pixel boundaries.

struct BitmapDividersView: View {
    let bitmap: Bitmap
    var lineWidthRatio: CGFloat? = 0.05 // ratio of cell size
    var lineColor: Color? = .white
    var body: some View {
            opaque: true,
            colorMode: .nonLinear,
            rendersAsynchronously: false
        ) { ctx, size in
            let cellWidth = (size.width / CGFloat(bitmap.columns))
            let cellHeight = (size.height / CGFloat(bitmap.rows))
            for row in 0 ..< bitmap.rows {
                for column in 0 ..< bitmap.columns {
                    let path = Path(
                            x: CGFloat(column) * cellWidth,
                            y: CGFloat(row) * cellHeight,
                            width: cellWidth,
                            height: cellHeight
                        with: .color(bitmap.values[row][column]),
                        style: .init(eoFill: false, antialiased: false)
            if let lineWidthRatio, let lineColor {
                let lineWidthHorizontal = lineWidthRatio * cellHeight
                let lineWidthVertical = lineWidthRatio * cellWidth
                if bitmap.rows > 2 {
                    for row in 1 ... bitmap.rows - 1 {
                        let linePath = Path { p in
                            p.move(to: CGPoint(x: 0, y: CGFloat(row) * cellHeight))
                            p.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: size.width, y: CGFloat(row) * cellHeight))
                        ctx.stroke(linePath, with: .color(lineColor), lineWidth: lineWidthHorizontal)
                if bitmap.columns > 2 {
                    for column in 1 ... bitmap.columns - 1 {
                        let linePath = Path { p in
                            p.move(to: CGPoint(x: CGFloat(column) * cellWidth, y: 0))
                            p.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: CGFloat(column) * cellWidth, y: size.height))
                        ctx.stroke(linePath, with: .color(lineColor), lineWidth: lineWidthVertical)
        .aspectRatio(bitmap.aspectRatio, contentMode: .fit)

#Preview("BitmapDividersView", traits: .sizeThatFitsLayout) {
    BitmapDividersView(bitmap: .mockRowColors(rows: 10, columns: 10))
        .frame(width: 409)
Adding dividers to the bitmap rendering
Adding dividers to the bitmap rendering

The above implementation draws dividers between rows and columns if lineColor is specified in the initializer.

I’ve implemented lineWidthRatio as a percentage of the cell width. It will scale somewhat naturally with the view size.

Note: this does not draw the outer border intentionally. If you need the outer border, it’s better to draw it using SwiftUI modifiers because inside the GraphicsContext callback, borders are drawn with half their width on each side of the path. This means that only half the outer borders will be visible if the Canvas is clipping.

Adding dividers and a border to the bitmap rendering
Adding dividers and a border to the bitmap rendering
#Preview("BitmapDividersViewWithBorder", traits: .sizeThatFitsLayout) {
    BitmapDividersView(bitmap: .mockRowColors(rows: 10, columns: 10))
        .frame(width: 400)
        .border(.white, width: 2)

It’s also reasonable to draw the dividers into a separate Canvas instance (with opaque: false) and overlay it using the standard SwiftUI tools. However, it will be slower (albeit imperceptibly so for most use cases) since SwiftUI will have to do the compositing again.