In the AVFoundation framework on Apple platforms, AVCaptureMovieFileOutput (or more accurately, the abstract base class AVCaptureFileOutput) has a property called recordedDuration.

If recording is in progress, this property returns the total time recorded so far.

Like in the AVCam sample project, this property is often used to show the elapsed time to the user while they’re recording a video at a base increment of seconds.

Through testing, I’ve found this value is only accurate to around 0.06 seconds or 16 frames per second (FPS). If you try to sample the recordedDuration property faster, say at 30 FPS, you’ll see repeated values.

If you need more accuracy than this, you can use one of the following strategies.

Calculating an accurate recordedDuration on iOS 18.2+

On iOS 18.2+, AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate includes the method:

optional func fileOutput(_ output: AVCaptureFileOutput, didStartRecordingTo fileURL: URL, startPTS: CMTime, from connections: [AVCaptureConnection])

startPTS stands for “start presentation timestamp”. It looks like a random CMTime, but it’s in reference to a CMClock instance. In this case AVCaptureSession’s synchronizationClock.

To get the amount of time elapsed since recording, you can therefore use:

let recordedDurationCMTime = captureSession.synchronizationClock!.time - startPTS
let recordedDurationSeconds = recordedDurationCMTime.seconds

Calculating mostly accurate recordedDuration before iOS 18.2

Older versions of iOS don’t include the startPTS variant of fileOutput(didStartRecordingTo:).

Therefore, the best we can do is capture our own startPTS from the synchronizationClock at the moment of the delegate callback:

func fileOutput(_ output: AVCaptureFileOutput, didStartRecordingTo fileURL: URL, from connections: [AVCaptureConnection]) {
    self.startPTS = captureSession.synchronizationClock!.time

Then use the recordedDurationCMTime code from the above section.

Calculating a slightly less accurate recordedDuration converting to the host time clock

Using AVCaptureSession.synchronizationClock in other parts of your app might be inconvenient. You can instead convert the startPTS to be in relation to the host time clock. Then, in the rest of your app, you can reference the singleton CMClock.hostTimeClock more easily.

let hostClockStartPTS = captureSession.synchronizationClock!.convertTime(startPTS, to: CMClock.hostTimeClock)

In my testing, the synchronizationClock and hostTimeClock are very close in value already. Essentially less than 1 ms difference or around 1000 FPS. However, they are different clocks and the CMClock utilities report that they can “drift”.

print(captureSession.synchronizationClock!.mightDrift(relativeTo: CMClock.hostTimeClock)) // true

Depending on your use case, you may want to avoid using the hostTimeClock and instead continue to reference captureSession.synchronizationClock. CMClock does not have a lot of documentation, so I can’t make any accuracy guarantees.

Calculating the most accurate recordedDuration using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput

You can get the absolute best accuracy by not using AVCaptureMovieFileOutput and instead using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to get the presentation timestamps of the raw frame buffers yourself. This is left as an exercise to the reader. The implementation is much more involved, but it’s not uncommon to attempt.

You can view an example of working with presentation timestamps in this way in the docs for AVCaptureSession.synchronizationClock.