While working on new features for Count Biki, I’ve started to clarify some of the confusion points I had about sharing state in a TCA app.

So far, I’ve identified two distinct strategies for sharing state based on source-of-truth ownership of the state: root ownership and dependency ownership. Root ownership includes scope and copy-and-delegate sub-strategies.

The kind of state in question here is:

  1. shared across multiple features that could have parent/child/sibling/ancestor/descendant relationships.
  2. longer lived than any one feature (and optionally persisted to disk).

Strategy 1: root ownership

Root ownership is keeping some source-of-truth state in a Store’s State, and vending access to all descendant features through the standard TCA scoping mechanism that conceptually links parent and child stores/features/views together.

I’m still workshopping the above definition, but I think it’s clear with an example.

Root ownership is what is shown in pointfreeco’s SyncUps example app.

The primary model state in this app is an array of SyncUp models. These are stored within the SyncUpsList feature.

struct SyncUpsList: Reducer {
  struct State: Equatable {
    var syncUps: IdentifiedArrayOf<SyncUp> = []
    // ...
  // ...

However, the actual source-of-truth owner of this state is the parent reducer AppFeature:

struct AppFeature: Reducer {
  struct State: Equatable {
    var syncUpsList = SyncUpsList.State()
    // ...
  // ...

I say it’s the source-of-truth owner of the state because it’s holding onto the SyncUpsList.State and it uses a Scope reducer and .scope modifier to (conceptually) link these pieces of state together.

struct AppFeature: Reducer {
  // ...
  var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
    Scope(state: \.syncUpsList, action: /Action.syncUpsList) {
    // ...

struct AppView: View {
  let store: StoreOf<AppFeature>

  var body: some View {
    NavigationStackStore(self.store.scope(state: \.path, action: { .path($0) })) {
        store: self.store.scope(state: \.syncUpsList, action: { .syncUpsList($0) })
    // ...
  // ...

This link allows both AppFeature and SyncUpsList to read/write the syncUpsList state as parent and child features.

Scoping state this way allows an unlimited number of parent and children to share (mutable) state.

We can additionally consider AppFeature as the source-of-truth of the state/model because:

  • AppFeature reads its initial [SyncUp] models from disk (via the SyncUpsList.init method).
  • AppFeature writes changes of [SyncUp] to disk.

However, the SyncUps app uses another mechanism to “share” state. I’ll call the second mechanism copy-and-delegate. It’s mostly what it sounds like:

  1. From a parent feature, make a copy of all or some part of the source-of-truth state, but keep it alongside the source-of-truth state (as e.g. part of a Destination.State or Path.State).
  2. Make the parent reducer listen to delegate actions from child reducers that describe changes to the source-of-true state, and modify the own source-of-truth state accordingly.
  3. Discard the copy of the state as necessary (since the relevant changes have been incorporated into the source-of-truth).

In a more isolated context, SyncUps uses this strategy for editing a SyncUp with the parent feature being SyncUpDetail and the child being SyncUpForm.

struct SyncUpDetail: Reducer {
  struct State: Equatable {
    @PresentationState var destination: Destination.State?
    var syncUp: SyncUp
  // ...

  var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
    Reduce { state, action in
      switch action {
      // Copy: Create a copy of the `syncUp` for the editing form.
      // Store it in `destination` alongside the source-of-truth `syncUp`.
      case .editButtonTapped:
        state.destination = .edit(SyncUpForm.State(syncUp: state.syncUp))
        return .none

      // Delegate: Re-integrate the edited copy of `syncUp` into
      // its own source-of-truth state iff the user taps the done button.
      case .doneEditingButtonTapped:
        guard case let .some(.edit(editState)) = state.destination else { return .none }
        state.syncUp = editState.syncUp
        state.destination = nil
        return .none
      // ...

In this case, SyncUpDetail uses .doneEditingButtonTapped as the trigger to integrate the copy of the state (within destination) into syncUp rather than passing state through the action’s associated value (like we’ll see below).

The copy-and-delegate strategy makes sense especially for editing workflows that allow the user to discard their changes.

But SyncUpDetail.State.syncUp isn’t storing the app’s source-of-truth value for that syncUp. SyncUpDetail.State was also created as a copy and stored in the path property of AppFeature.State alongside the source-of-truth array syncUpsList.

struct AppFeature: Reducer {
  struct State: Equatable {
    var path = StackState<Path.State>()
    var syncUpsList = SyncUpsList.State()

  struct Path: Reducer {
    enum State: Equatable {
      case detail(SyncUpDetail.State)
      // ...
    // ...

SyncUpDetail must play back its changes to its parent via a delegate action. This is where we see a second layer of copy-and-delegate in practice.

struct SyncUpDetail: Reducer {
  // ...

  var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
    Reduce { state, action in
      // ...
    .onChange(of: \.syncUp) { oldValue, newValue in
      Reduce { state, action in

And the parent (in this case AppFeature) must listen for those delegate actions and use the state passed within to update its own source-of-truth state:

struct AppFeature: Reducer {
  var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
    // ...
    Reduce { state, action in
      switch action {
      case let .path(.element(id, .detail(.delegate(delegateAction)))):
        guard case let .some(.detail(detailState)) = state.path[id: id] else { return .none }
        switch delegateAction {
        case let .syncUpUpdated(syncUp):
          state.syncUpsList.syncUps[id: syncUp.id] = syncUp
          return .none
      // ...
    // ...

Just as we saw SyncUpDetail move the temporary state in State.destination to State.syncUp (via an Action), we also see AppReducer move the temporary state State.path into State.syncUps (via an Action).

What tripped me up about the scope vs. copy-and-delegate strategies at first was:

  1. I didn’t realize they were distinct strategies.
  2. I didn’t realize copy-and-delegate was still fully integrated into the bread-and-butter scoping mechanism of TCA. After all, the parent reducer still needs to receive the delegate messages from the child reducer, which means there has to be some link between them.
  3. Navigation-as-first-class-state (in the form of Destination, Path, etc.) has a lot of benefits (deep-linking, testing, etc.). But it does complect model state and view state. Model state and view state often have different lifetimes, and if you aren’t careful you can lose track of the concept of source-of-truth.

AppFeature holds the model state of syncUpsList side-by-side with the view state of path.

struct AppFeature: Reducer {
  struct State: Equatable {
    var path = StackState<Path.State>()
    var syncUpsList = SyncUpsList.State()
  // ...

But syncUpsList itself could technically qualify as view state. Except that in this case, SyncUpsListView is the root of the NavigationStack which is the root of the AppView which has the same lifetime as the app itself.

Perhaps you could even further separate view state into view state and navigation state.

As a final note about root ownership, there are more advanced techniques for further processing state at the parent before handing it off to child reducers. It’s basically using computed variables to derive a distinct subset of the model state on the fly. See the Shared State TCA case study to learn more it.

Strategy 2: dependency ownership

The second major strategy for sharing state is to do it through a dependency.

Let’s show an example before discussing why you may want to choose the dependency ownership strategy.

Going back to my app, Count Biki, we’ll use SpeechSynthesisSettingsClient as an example of a dependency used to share state. It has a very simple get/set/observe interface. Under the hood, it’s a wrapper over a UserDefaults dependency with a little bit of encoding/decoding processing thrown in.

struct SpeechSynthesisSettingsClient {
  var get: @Sendable () -> (SpeechSynthesisSettings)
  var set: @Sendable (SpeechSynthesisSettings) async throws -> Void
  var observe: @Sendable () -> AsyncStream<SpeechSynthesisSettings>

In contrast to root ownership (strategy 1), dependency ownership (strategy 2) does not require features to be linked together in order to share state or pass messages as long as they only depend on the state contained in the dependency (the features still can be linked through the usual scoping mechanism of course).

Some combination of the get/set/observe interface will be used depending on the needs and assumptions of the feature:

State Access State modified externally during lifetime? -> Required APIs
read-only no get
read-only yes get/observe
read-write no get/set
read-write yes get/set/observe

It’s safest to assume the state of the dependency will be modified externally by a different feature or by something else in the environment. However, it does add a bit more code and complexity.

When a feature uses state from a dependency this way, it’s going to need its own view state copy of the state (in the example case, SpeechSynthesisSettings) by the nature of TCA and SwiftUI. Having multiple copies of data is the first step to data getting out of sync and bugs. The safest way to keep the system organized and bug free in dependency ownership strategy is:

  • Treat the dependency’s state as the source-of-truth.
  • Set up 1-way or 2-way bindings to ensure nothing gets out of sync.

Our SpeechSettingsFeature is considered read-write | no in the table above:

  • SpeechSettingsFeature gets the speechSettings from the client on init.
  • SpeechSettingsFeature sets the speechSettings on the client on any change.
  • SpeechSettingsFeature assumes that speechSettings will not be changed by other sources during its lifetime (and therefore does not need to observe).
struct SpeechSettingsFeature: Reducer {
  struct State: Equatable {
    // ...
    var speechSettings: SpeechSynthesisSettings

    init() {
      @Dependency(\.speechSynthesisSettingsClient) var speechSettingsClient
      speechSettings = speechSettingsClient.get()
      // ...

  @Dependency(\.speechSynthesisSettingsClient) var speechSettingsClient

  var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
    Reduce { state, action in
      // ...
    .onChange(of: \.speechSettings) { _, newValue in
      Reduce { state, _ in
        .run { _ in
            try await speechSettingsClient.set(newValue)
        } catch: { _, _ in
            XCTFail("SpeechSettingsClient unexpectedly failed to write")

Our ListeningQuizFeature is different from SpeechSettingsFeature above; it requires only read-only to SpeechSynthesisSettings but does expect it to change during its lifetime (the in-session settings screen is presented over it). Therefore, it needs to implement get/observe.

struct ListeningQuizFeature: Reducer {
  struct State: Equatable {
    var speechSettings: SpeechSynthesisSettings
    // ...

    init() {
      @Dependency(\.speechSynthesisSettingsClient) var speechSettingsClient
      speechSettings = speechSettingsClient.get()
      // ...

  enum Action: BindableAction, Equatable {
    case onSpeechSettingsUpdated(SpeechSynthesisSettings)
    case onTask
    // ...

  @Dependency(\.speechSynthesisSettingsClient) var speechSettingsClient

  var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
    Reduce { state, action in
      switch action {
      case let .onSpeechSettingsUpdated(newValue):
        state.speechSettings = newValue
        return .none
      case .onTask:
        return .run { send in
          for await newValue in speechSettingsClient.observe() {
            await send(.onSpeechSettingsUpdated(newValue))
      // ...

We again get the initial value from the dependency on init. But now there’s a two step process for observing new values from the dependency:

  1. Use for await to monitor observe(). Each time the stream emits a new value, send it back into the system with the action .onSpeechSettingsUpdated(newValue).
  2. When the reducer receives .onSpeechSettingsUpdated, overwrite state.speechSettings.

Note that there’s a very subtle bug possibility to look out for when implementing viewStore.send(.onTask) in the view layer:

struct ListeningQuizView: View {
  let store: StoreOf<ListeningQuizFeature>

  var body: some View {
    WithViewStore(store, observe: { $0 }) { viewStore in
      VStack(spacing: 0) {
      // ...
      .task {
        // Option A:
        await viewStore.send(.onTask).finish()
      .task {
        // Option B:

What’s the difference between Option A and Option B?

  • Option A ties the lifetime of the task within the reducer to the appearance of the view.
  • Option B ties the lifetime of the task within the reducer to the lifetime of the view.

In our case, “the task within the reducer” means observing changes to SpeechSynthesisSettings as for await settings in client.observe(). The difference is a subtle because a lot of the time appearance and lifetime of the view are the same.

However, when using NavigationStack and pushing view B after view A, view A will disappear and then reappear when view B is popped, and the appearance and lifetime with be different.

If we used Option A in ListeningQuizView, then ListeningQuizFeature would no longer be observing changes to SpeechSynthesisSettings while another view was pushed on the stack above it. If that pushed view changed SpeechSynthesisSettings and .observe() was not implemented as a “replay” type of stream, then ListeningQuizFeature would be stuck using an old value of SpeechSynthesisSettings, and this would probably be considered a bug.

In the case of ListeningQuizFeature, SpeechSynthesisSettings is only changed via a view that is presented as a sheet. Presenting a sheet does not cause the presenting view to disappear. Additionally, our .observe() stream is implemented as a “replay”-type stream. Therefore both Option A and Option B are both reasonable choices.

Of course, I should also emphasize that the dependency ownership strategy needs to take into account concurrency and delays inherent in observation and therefore update races. In the case above, the state is limited in scope and update frequency, and not expected to be changed from multiple views.

So why would you want to choose the dependency ownership strategy over the root ownership strategy?

  • Features are more dependent on the dependency but less dependent on one another.
  • Your view hierarchy is unbounded (any view can present any other view) and doesn’t share a lot of state between nearby features.
  • Features that share state don’t have an obvious common ancestor that should be responsible to maintaining source-of-truth and persistence duties.
  • You’re willing to accept the overhead of creating a dependency and interfacing with it in addition to the inter-feature communication you may need to maintain anyway.
  • If most of your state is in a database, it will probably feel much more natural to architect your features with dependency ownership.