An Experimental iOS Architecture Based on Radical Decoupling
This week I decided to do an experiment on a radically decoupled app architecture. The main thesis I wanted to explore was:
What if all communication within an app was done over one event stream?
I built a Todo List app because that was the most original micro project I could think of in the heat of the moment. I’ll walk through the idea behind the organization of the app, show some code snippets from the implementation, and then give a few closing thoughts on the pros and cons.
The whole project is on Github. This post targets the 0.1 tag for reference.

Architecture Overview
I’ll call this architecture EventMVVM for the sake of having a name to reference. It uses bits of the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) paradigm. It uses ReactiveCocoa as the plumbing for the event stream, but as I’ll discuss later many possible tools could be used instead. It is written in Swift, which turns out to be marginally important due to the enums with associated values feature, and its ease of defining and using value types.
The best way I can explain the architecture is by naming and enumerating the actors involved, defining them, and listing the rules.
- Event
- EventsSignal & EventsObserver
- Server
- Model
- ViewModel
- View
An event is the building block of a message. It’s defined as an enum, and each case has up to one associated value (note: it’s different from a ReactiveCocoa Event). You can think of it as a strongly-typed NSNotification
. Each case starts with Request
or Response
out of convention. Below are a few example cases.
/// Event.swift
enum Event {
// Model
case RequestReadTodos
case ResponseTodos(Result<[Todo], NSError>)
case RequestWriteTodo(Todo)
// ...
// ViewModel
case RequestTodoViewModels
case ResponseTodoViewModels(Result<[TodoViewModel], NSError>)
case RequestDeleteTodoViewModel(TodoViewModel)
// ...
- Model and ViewModel “type” events are both included in the
enum.1 RequestReadTodos
does not have a parameter since this app has no per-view filtering or sorting that needs to happen.2- We’re using a Result to encapsulate the response value or error.3
- All enum case associated values are value types which is important in ensuring system integrity. The same Event may be received by many objects on any number of threads.
EventsSignal & EventsObserver
and eventsObserver
will be our shared event streams. We’ll inject them into classes and those classes will be able to attach observer blocks to eventsSignal
and send new Events on eventsObserver
/// AppContext.swift
class AppContext {
let (eventsSignal, eventsObserver) = Signal<Event, NoError>.pipe()
// ...
We’ve located this pair in a class called AppContext
. These are implemented using a ReactiveCocoa signal and observer pair created by .pipe()
. There are a few implementation details that we’ll cover later.
In simple terms though the syntax is as follows:
// Create a new observer on the stream.
eventsSignal.observeNext { event in print(event) }
// Send a new Event on the stream.
A server is a long-lived class that contains observers and may send messages. In our example app, there are two servers, ViewModelServer
and ModelServer
. These are created and retained by AppDelegate
. From the names, you may posit that ViewModelServer
sets up observers for the ViewModel-related duties of our application. For example, it is responsible for receiving requests for ViewModels and fulfilling them, either by transforming ViewModels provided in the event or by sending a new event requesting the data it needs.45
Servers represent the “smart” objects in our application. They’re the orchestrators. They create and manipulate our ViewModel and Model value types and communicate with other servers by creating Events and attaching values to them.
A Model is a value type containing the base data. As in standard MVVM, it should not contain anything specific to an underlying database.
In the example application, I have extensions to serialize the Todo
model object into a TodoObject
for our Realm database.
The Model layer only knows about itself. It doesn’t know about ViewModels or Views.
A ViewModel is a value type containing properties directly consumable by the View layer. For example, text displayed by a UILabel
should be a String
. The ViewModel receives and stores a Model object in its init
method and transforms it for consumption by the View layer. A ViewModel may expose other ViewModels for use by subviews, etc.
In this interpretation6, ViewModels are completely inert and cannot run asynchronous operations or send messages on the event stream. This ensures they can be passed around threads safely.
ViewModels don’t know about the View layer. They can manipulate other ViewModels and Models.
Our View layer is UIKit, including UIViewController
s and UIView
s and their subclasses. Although my original intention was to explore the View layer also sending its own events through the event stream, in this simple implementation it would have been overkill and probably more distracting than anything.7
The View layer is only allowed to interact with the View and ViewModel layers. That means it knows nothing about Models.
So now that we’ve got a basic understanding of all the components of our system, lets dive into the code and see how it works.
The Spec
What are the features of our Todo list? They end up being analogous to our Event
cases. (For me, this was one of the coolest parts.) From Event.swift
: we want to be able to see all our todos in the default order with deleted items filtered out.RequestToggleCompleteTodoViewModel
: we need to be able to mark todos as complete from the list view.RequestDeleteTodoViewModel
: we’ll add the ability to delete them from the list view too.RequestNewTodoDetailViewModel
: we need to be able to create new todos.RequestTodoDetailViewModel
: we need to be able to view/edit a todo in all its glory.RequestUpdateDetailViewModel
: we need to be able to commit our changes.
Those are all of our requests. They’ll all originate from the View layer. Since these are just events/messages we’re broadcasting out, there won’t necessarily be a direct 1-1 response. This has both positive and negative consequences for us.
One of the effects is that we need fewer types of response events. RequestTodoViewModels
will have a 1-1 response with ResponseTodoViewModels
, but RequestToggleCompleteTodoViewModel
, RequestDeleteTodoViewModel
, and RequestUpdateDetailViewModel
will all respond with ResponseTodoViewModel
. That simplifies our view code a bit, and it also ensures a view can get updates for a ViewModel that was changed from a different view with zero additional work by us.
Both RequestNewTodoDetailViewModel
and RequestTodoDetailViewModel
(aka new and edit) will respond from ResponseTodoDetailViewModel
Interestingly enough, RequestUpdateDetailViewModel
must respond from both ResponseUpdateDetailViewModel
and ResponseTodoViewModel
since their underlying todo Model changed. We’ll explore this scenario in more detail later on.
In order to fill these requests from the View layer, the ViewModelServer will need to make its own requests for Model data. These are 1-to-1 request-response.
We implement deletes by setting a flag on our Todo model. This technique makes it significantly easier to coordinate changes between our application layers.
Here is a very long diagram of how our four main objects send and observe events.

Setting Up the System
/// AppDelegate.swift
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var appContext: AppContext!
var modelServer: ModelServer!
var viewModelServer: ViewModelServer!
// ...
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
self.appContext = AppContext()
self.modelServer = ModelServer(configuration: Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration, appContext: appContext)
self.viewModelServer = ViewModelServer(appContext: appContext)
let todoListViewModel = TodoListViewModel()
let todoListViewController = TodoListViewController(viewModel: todoListViewModel, appContext: appContext)
let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: todoListViewController)
// ...
As previously mentioned, the AppContext
contains our eventSignal and eventObserver pair. We’ll inject it into all of our other high-level components to allow them to communicate.
We have to retain the ModelServer
and ViewModelServer
since they have no direct references to the view layer or to one another.8
Remember TodoListViewModel
is just an inert struct. Although for this simple app, we could have had the TodoListViewController
create its own ViewModel, it’s better practice to inject it. You can easily imagine adding a “list of lists” feature to the app. In that case we (probably?) wouldn’t have to change any of our interfaces.
View layer: List
It’s actually pretty straightforward to see the boundaries of our system. The View layer will be making all the ViewModel requests and observing all the ViewModel responses.
Our subject of this section will be TodoListViewController
. For reference:
// TodoListViewController.swift
final class TodoListViewController: UITableViewController {
let appContext: AppContext
var viewModel: TodoListViewModel
// ...
We’ll send our first event to request TodoViewModel
s to fill the table view when the view appears.
// TodoListViewController.swift
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
Now we need to set up an observer for the response event. Observers in the View layer will always be placed in viewDidLoad
and mirror the lifecycle of the UIViewController
override func viewDidLoad() {
// ...
// ...
.observeNext { _ in
// ...
Anatomy of an Observer
We’ll have to take a deep dive into syntax now.
All of our observers have a very similar structure:
- lifetime
- filtering
- unboxing
- mapping
- error handling
- output
For the View layer output is usually in the form of side effects (e.g. updating the view model or reloading the table view). For the other Servers, the output is usually sending another Event.
Let’s take a look at Event.ResponseTodoViewModels
.takeUntilNil { [weak self] in self } // #1
.map { event -> Result<[TodoViewModel], NSError>? in // #2
if case let .ResponseTodoViewModels(result) = event {
return result
return nil
.ignoreNil() // #2
.promoteErrors(NSError) // #3
.attemptMap { $0 } // #3
.observeOn(UIScheduler()) // #4
.flatMapError { [unowned self] error -> SignalProducer<[TodoViewModel], NoError> in // #3
return .empty
.observeNext { [unowned self] todoViewModels in // #5
let change = self.viewModel.incorporateTodoViewModels(todoViewModels)
switch change {
case .Reload:
case .NoOp:
- #1: This is an implementation detail of ReactiveCocoa that (kind of9) limits the lifetime of our observer to the lifetime of
. In other words, stop processing this observer when this instance ofTodoListViewController
goes away. - #2: This is where where we filter and unbox the value from the event if necessary. Remember, we’re observing the firehose of Events that are sent throughout the app. We only want
, and if so, we want its value passed along. For all the other events that come through, they’ll be mapped tonil
and discarded by theignoreNil()
operator. - #3: This is our error handling.
is an implementation detail of ReactiveCocoa which turns a signal incapable of erroring into one that can send errors of a certain type.attemptMap
then unboxes theResult
object and allows us to use ReactiveCocoa’s built in error processing.flatMapError
is where we have our error side effects, in this case, presenting the error as an alert. If we usedobserveError
instead, our observer would be disposed of after the first error event which is not what we want.10 - #4: Events can be delivered on any thread by the eventsSignal. Therefore, for any thread critical work we need to specify a target scheduler. In this case, our critical work is UI-related, thus we use the
. Note that only the operators afterobserveOn
will be executed on theUIScheduler
.11 - #5: Finally, we have a non-error value from the correct event. We’ll use this to completely replace the TodoListViewModel and conditionally reload the table view if any change to the list was actually made.
Keep in mind, this example is actually one of the trickier ones due to the error handling and multiple unwrapping stages.
More Actions
We’ll use the UITableViewRowAction
API to send events for marking todos as complete or deleting them.
// TodoListViewController.swift
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, editActionsForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> [UITableViewRowAction]? {
let todoViewModel = viewModel.viewModelAtIndexPath(indexPath)
let toggleCompleteAction = UITableViewRowAction(style: UITableViewRowActionStyle.Normal, title: todoViewModel.completeActionTitle) { [unowned self] (action, path) -> Void in
// ...
return [deleteAction, toggleCompleteAction]
Each of these Events are simply modifying a ViewModel. The View layer only cares about changes at the granularity level of TodoViewModel.
We want to observe ResponseTodoViewModel
so that our view is always showing the most accurate todos. We also want to animate changes because that’s nice.
// TodoListViewController.swift - viewDidLoad()
// Event.ResponseTodoViewModel
// ...
.observeNext { [unowned self] todoViewModel in
let change = self.viewModel.incorporateTodoViewModel(todoViewModel)
switch change {
case let .Insert(indexPath):
self.tableView.insertRowsAtIndexPaths([indexPath], withRowAnimation: .Top)
case let .Delete(indexPath):
self.tableView.deleteRowsAtIndexPaths([indexPath], withRowAnimation: .Left)
case let .Reload(indexPath):
self.tableView.reloadRowsAtIndexPaths([indexPath], withRowAnimation: .Fade)
case .NoOp:
Those are the basics of the View layer. Let’s move to the ViewModelServer
to see how we can respond to these request Events and issue new ones.
ViewModel: List
is one big init method for setting up observers.
// ViewModelServer.swift
final class ViewModelServer {
init(appContext: AppContext) {
// ... all observers go here
listens for ViewModel requests and sends ViewModel response Events.
is pretty simple. It just creates a corresponding request from the model layer.12
// ... Event.RequestTodoViewModels
.map { _ in Event.RequestReadTodos }
We’re sending this event back to the eventsObserver to dispatch our new Event. Notice we have to dispatch this event on a specific scheduler. If we don’t, we’ll hit a deadlock. It’s a ReactiveCocoa implementation detail and beyond the scope of this post, so for the time being, just notice we have to add that line to any observers that map to new events.
We can now expect a response to the Model event we just sent out.
// ... Event.ResponseTodos
.map { result -> Result<[TodoViewModel], NSError> in
return result
.map { todos in { (todo: Todo) -> TodoViewModel in TodoViewModel(todo: todo) } }
.mapError { $0 } // placeholder for error mapping
.map { Event.ResponseTodoViewModels($0) }
We’re mapping Result<[Todo], NSError>
to Result<[TodoViewModel], NSError>
and sending the result as a new Event. There’s a placeholder for where we could map the error from the Model layer to one more suited to show the user.13
Other ViewModel Events
In the view layer, we saw that two events, RequestToggleCompleteTodoViewModel
and RequestDeleteTodoViewModel
, could be sent to change individual ViewModels on the fly.
The map block for delete is:
.map { todoViewModel -> Event in
var todo = todoViewModel.todo
todo.deleted = true
return Event.RequestWriteTodo(todo)
The map block for complete is:
.map { todoViewModel -> Event in
var todo = todoViewModel.todo
todo.completedAt = todo.complete ? nil : NSDate()
return Event.RequestWriteTodo(todo)
Straightforward transformations, then we fire off a message.
Both events will receive responses on Event.ResponseTodo
.map { result -> Result<TodoViewModel, NSError> in
return { todo in TodoViewModel(todo: todo) }
.map { Event.ResponseTodoViewModel($0) }
Other Highlights
I won’t dive much deeper into the other events. I’ll only mention a few other highlights that were interesting.
The TodoDetailViewController
accepts a TodoDetailViewModel
that allows the user to mutate its properties. When done is tapped, TodoDetailViewController
will send a request to the ViewModelServer
with its TodoDetailViewModel
. The ViewModelServer
will validate all the new parameters and send a response. The response event Event.ResponseUpdateDetailViewModel
is interesting because it will be observed by three different objects.
will observe it for errors. If there are errors with the validation, it will present the error above the current context.TodoListViewController
will observe it for non-errors, interpreting that as a sign that the user has finished editing the view model and it should dismiss theTodoDetailViewController
will observe a message it itself will be sending because it has to now create an updated todo Model and send a write todo Event. The response to that will come back through the normal Event stream and be updated transparently by theTodoListViewController
I sort of like how the common CRUD new and edit actions are rolled into one interface. Both previously saved and unsaved Todos can be treated similarly. Validation is treated as asynchronous, and could therefore easily be a server-side operation.
I didn’t implement any loading indicators, but it would be trivial to do so. The ViewController would observe its own Request event and toggle a loading indicator on as a side effect. Then it would toggle the loading indicator off as a side effect of the Response event.
Unique Identifiers
One thing you may notice in the code base is that every value type must be equatable. Since requests and responses are not directly paired, having a unique identifier is critical to being able to filter and operate on responses. There are actually two concepts of equality that come into play. The first is normal equality, as in “do these two models have the exact same values for all of their parameters?”. The second is equal identity, as in “do these two models represent the same underlying resource?” (i.e. ==
). Equal identity is useful in operations where a model has been updated and you want to replace it.
I’d consider testing to be straightforward in the ViewModelServer and ModelServer layers. Each of these Servers registers observers at are essentially pure functions in that they receive a single event and dispatch a single event. An example unit test:
// todostreamTests.swift
// ...
func testRequestToggleCompleteTodoViewModel() {
viewModelServer = ViewModelServer(appContext: appContext)
let todo = Todo()
XCTAssert(todo.complete == false)
let todoViewModel = TodoViewModel(todo: todo)
let event = Event.RequestToggleCompleteTodoViewModel(todoViewModel)
let expectation = expectationWithDescription("")
appContext.eventsSignal.observeNext { (e: todostream.Event) in
if case let todostream.Event.RequestWriteTodo(model) = e {
XCTAssert(model.complete == true)
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(1.0, handler: nil)
The above section tests one observer in ViewModelServer and expects the result Event to be at the boundary between the ViewModelServer and ModelServer.
Integration testing isn’t outside the realm of possibility either. Here’s an example integration test for the same event that instead waits at the boundary between the View and ViewModelServer layers:
// todostreamTests.swift
// ...
func testIntegrationRequestToggleCompleteTodoViewModel() {
viewModelServer = ViewModelServer(appContext: appContext)
modelServer = ModelServer(configuration: Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration, appContext: appContext)
let todo = Todo()
XCTAssert(todo.complete == false)
let todoViewModel = TodoViewModel(todo: todo)
let event = Event.RequestToggleCompleteTodoViewModel(todoViewModel)
let expectation = expectationWithDescription("")
appContext.eventsSignal.observeNext { (e: todostream.Event) in
if case let todostream.Event.ResponseTodoViewModel(result) = e {
let model = result.value!.todo
XCTAssert( ==
XCTAssert(model.complete == true)
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(1.0, handler: nil)
In this case, behind the scenes there are two other events sent in the meantime, but we’re only waiting for the last one.
Both servers are very shallow and only have the EventSignal as a dependency.
Now that we’ve seen some of the implementation of a very basic app, let’s take a step back and look at the pros and cons we discovered along the way.
- PRO Some things that are hard in other paradigms are easier! :D
- CON Some things that are easy in other paradigms are harder! :(
- PRO It was actually a lot of fun writing in this style.
- CON There are probably performance implications that are currently unknown regarding having lots of observers alive, each receiving lots of events that must be filtered.
- PRO Threading seems to be very safe.
- CON Still a lot of unsolved problems. How to deal with image loading? Auth systems? Multi-step operations that must be ordered specifically? Re-sorting the list? More complicated view change types? Wrapping other asynchronous APIs? The list is endless. A half-baked todo app hardly pushes the bounds of system complexity.
- PRO All the code (minus UIKit) is all stylistically similar and very functional.
- CON All events are public (to the system) and therefore more unexpected consequences are likely to occur as the system grows in size and complexity.
- CON There’s a fair amount of boilerplate in observer declarations.
- PRO It’s easier to reason about ownership and lifetime of objects.
- CON Using Result for error handling doesn’t quite fit. I need to investigate another hunch I have about how to do it better.14
- PRO Testing is arguably a fairly painless process.
- PRO It would be possible to “playback” a user’s entire session by piping the serialized saved output from
into theeventsObserver
in a new session. - PRO Analytics would be very easy to set up as a separate Server-type object that could listen into Events as they are placed onto the stream and transform them and POST them to a server as necessary.
After I finished building this Todo app, I realized that ReactiveCocoa wasn’t necessarily the best tool for implementing EventMVVM. I don’t use a lot of its features and there are some quirks because I’m not using it as it was intended to be used.15
I decided to see if I could write my own simple library that was tailored to implementing EventMVVM. It took a day of wrestling with the type system, but I have an alpha that I’m going to try to test out. It’s only about 100 lines of code. Unfortunately, it couldn’t automate all the things I wanted to so the observing process still has some warts. I’ll try to find some time to write something up about the library later.
You can see my progress on Github.
Wrap up
It was fun exploring the EventMVVM architecture paradigm. I might keep exploring it on the side. I would definitely not recommend implementing anything of consequence with it.
Please let me know on Twitter if you have any thoughts about the EventMVVM. I’m sure there’s already a name for this style (maybe it’s just the observer pattern?).
How cool is it though that I could add this one observer to AppDelegate
and get a log of every Event passed in the system?
appContext.eventsSignal.observeNext { print($0) }
A future expansion to EventMVVM could have a
event, and a typed stream for each. That way, a View objects would only see the ViewModel stream, whereas ViewModelServers (I’ll cover this later) would see both ViewModel and Model streams. ↩ -
In a more complex app, there would need to be a
struct to encapsulate a sort descriptor and predicate. Or better yet, a more thorough TodoListViewModel that contains all this information. ↩ -
It turns out it would probably be better to embed an optional error parameter within the response itself. Otherwise, it becomes impossible to know which request the error is associated with. We’ll kick that problem down the road for now. ↩
You could certainly combine
into oneServer
(or just dump everything in the AppDelegate), but MVVM helps us separate our concerns. ↩ -
One of the biggest open questions I have is if and how Server objects spawn one another. In any decent sized application, it would be unwieldy to have one
with hundreds or thousands of observers on one stream. It may also use too many resources. If we split ViewModelServers per ViewModel type, how would the primaryViewModelServer
know how to manage the lifecycles of them? ↩ -
In most of my other work with MVVM, some ViewModels are classes and do the majority of the heavy lifting with regards to asynchronous work and organizing data flow within the app, while some are inert value types. The reasoning behind this is to make the ViewControllers a bit “dumber” by keeping that logic out of them. ↩
Examples of these types of events would be
. As you can see, this would break our assumptions of only sending value types through the stream, which requires some more thought. And as I’ve learned from working with other frameworks, you can jump through a lot of hoops to avoid doing things the way UIKit wants you to do them, and you usually come out the other side worse off. ↩ -
In “Classic” MVVM the View would own the ViewModel which would own the Model/Controller. ↩
To be accurate, the observer will be triggered to complete when any event is sent and self is no longer alive. For our purposes, this shouldn’t be a huge deal. There are other ways to solve this problem, but they require a lot more syntactic baggage. ↩
In retrospect, it may have been clearer to let the
pass all the way through toobserveNext
and handle both success and error cases within the same block. ↩ -
is a ReactiveCocoa primitive. It’s pretty slick. ↩ -
If you are unfamiliar to MVVM, you may be wondering why the View layer didn’t simply issue a
Event directly instead of relaying theRequestTodoViewModels
Event through the ViewModelServer. It’s a welcome layer of indirection to have our View layer be unaware of all matters related to the Model layer. It introduces a predictability for yourself and others on the project that all types of objects and values obey the same set of rules with regards to what they’re allowed to do and which other objects they’re allowed to talk to. It is certainly overhead, and feels like it in the early stages of a project, but in large projects I’ve rarely found it to be unwarranted optimization. ↩ -
It was lazy to not include a typed error enum from the Model layer. The transformation pipeline we have set up makes it easy to make our data available in the right representation for the right context. ↩
Spoiler alert: it’s adding an
parameter to all models and view models. ↩ -
It could probably be implemented with
(not that I’d ever try that). Or any of the other Reactive Swift libraries. ↩